Thursday, February 9, 2012

Call it off

So it is another day. Quite a bit has happened in the past few days. I almost posted about a couple days ago but I wanted to see how things ended.

After one of the songs my ex wrote came up on my ipod, I was thinking about how his music was doing. I looked on youtube to see if he had posted any new songs. Now I guess I should start by saying, I have not talked to him in about 3 months. So I listened to him sing a cover of this song I loved and decided just to leave a small encouraging comment under one of my lesser known screen names. He knew it was me and we started talking the next day. I simply asked how his music was and he launched into how he missed me and wanted to see me again. I said nicely said no and that I was not interested in him like that and just wanted to know how his music was doing. We made small talk for the rest of the day just kinda relaying the stuff going on in our life.

The next night I got a message from his girlfriend? lover? slut bag? (She is the girl he cheated on me with throughout our relationship and she repaid her love for him by getting engaged. I really hate her) Her and I got into a fight over skype telling me to get out of his life b/c her and his mom know what is best for him and he is incapable of making decisions on his own. I pretty much defended him but she was still able to get me at the end of the conversation. We were just trying to say the things that would hurt the most. It was pretty nasty.

Essentially what ended up happening was after the fight, she went over to his house and told him that she got his passwords and we had a spat. He responded by kicking her out. He sent an email to me and I sent him the conversation. According to him hes done with her but still is going to be her friend b/c he can't get away from her since his mom loves her. -shrug- I told him that I didn't really care if he was with her or not b/c its none of my business who he loves. He wants to meet with me in a couple weeks but I don't think I'm up to it. Though he did get me an interview with a coffee shop so I kinda feel like I owe him.


I have have not made my decision to join the air force yet. I have always stood for non-violence and been against the military. Its really difficult for me to make the choice but I did decided that I would prepare myself as if I were going to join. I'm exercising now and I found an air force 9 week training guide for getting ready for basic. I'm not able to do pushups yet so I can't really start it yet, but I'm working on it. Today I learned how to put my hair up though so I won't have to cut it. I figured if I practice then I could do it quickly for basic. Its actually kinda cool! Girls use a rolled up sock to make a bun! Isn't that insane? I'm currently wearing it like that now.

I know I still have a long way to go before I'm ready to join the military, but everyone has to start somewhere right?

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